How to Save Money at the Laundromat

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American family goes through 400 loads of laundry each year. That’s more than one load every single day! While using a washer and dryer helps clothes get clean faster than ever before, due to the cost of electricity, water and detergent, doing laundry is also more expensive. Here are some tips …

How to Read Laundry Symbols

How to Read Laundry Symbols

Laundry symbols offer valuable instructions on the proper way of washing an item of clothing. They provide accurate information on washing and drying clothes, as well as instructions on ironing and bleaching them if appropriate. Here are some details on reading laundry symbols. Washing Symbols Washing symbols are the most important laundry symbols because they indicate the appropriate temperature and …

Helpful Tips for Washing Swimsuits

Summer’s the time for swimming and outdoor water adventures, activities that require swimsuits. Swimsuits are expensive and they often get a lot of use during the summer months. Not washing swimsuits properly can damage them, fade their color, stretch them or cause them to fall apart. Some might even develop a smell. This is a problem because you want your …

How to Wash Workout Clothes

Sweating is just a part of a great workout. The addition of workout clothes makes laundry day a bit smellier. Learn how to wash workout clothes to get them fresh and clean for your next trip to the gym. Wash Sooner than LaterDon’t wait to wash your workout clothes. The longer they sit in your gym bag or the corner …

Laundry Hacks for Busy Moms

Laundry time can be exhausting for busy moms. The more kids you have, the more clothes there are to wash. With everything else on your to-do list, your laundry routine is one task that should be as efficient as possible. Here are some laundry hacks for busy moms so you don’t feel like you’re drowning in clothes. Treat Stains Right …

Laundry Tips for College Students

With all the studying and assignments, doing laundry isn’t high on the list of priorities for college students. Additionally, many students live on their own for the first time in college and have never done laundry. Here are some laundry tips for college students to help keep their clothes clean and fresh. Choose the Right Laundry DetergentOne of the most …